Adaptive Combatives

Training Methods

One of the goals of ACP is that adaptable to anyone regardless of age, size, or gender. The techniques of ACP are founded on relaxation, range, accuracy and quickness, not bulk, power, or flexibility. This approach to martial arts techniques makes them readily available to anyone who is seeking to study them.

Initially, the practitioners will be introduced to basic footwork, stance, defense techniques, attacks, and mitt work. As one begins to feel comfortable during practice, range awareness, self defense scenarios and sparring will all be introduced. At a still later stage, individuals will be introduced to weapons such as the club and knife for the purposes of defending against them.

Throughout training, various conditioning drills, exercises, and theories will be demonstrated for the practitioner to with as he or she wishes. This is a question of ones motivations for training. I generally feel that it is best to be in prime physical shape however there are others who may be comfortable without this element incorporated in their training. That said, training sessions are not focused on cardio vascular rates or muscle building, but rather on the mastery and true understanding of techniques. Physical conditioning, while occasionally demonstrated is not the primary focus of our training, self awareness is.